Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last night of call!!!!!!

Norah and I should celebrate with daddy and stay up all night...just kidding...that would make for 2 cranky females tomorrow!!! Tonight is Lee's LAST night of call...HOORAY!!!

Maybe Lee can add a picture of what he looks like at 3:00 AM in the morning while catching a baby???

Monday, June 29, 2009

PB&J and a Capri-Sun

As most of you know, Norah likes her food! For lunch yesterday, she had a PB&J sandwich. Lee decided to give her the entire sandwich to see how she would handle it. She proceeded to shove the entire thing in her mouth. Of course, it would not fit and once we determined that she was not choking...we got out the camera!

Later that day...during a trip to Wal-Mart, we bought some Capri-Suns. Of course, it was dad's idea to buy them and dad's idea to give her the entire Capri-Sun. She handled it well...drank it all in a matter of minutes! I guess that will be our sugar fix for the week...unless daddy sneaks something else while I'm not looking!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Home alone...

After tonight, Lee only has 1 more night of call.........HOORAY!!!! We had a great day today. Lee and my mom picked up Leslie from the airport last night. She has been in Bolivia for the past month. We were all excited to see her and thankful for her wonderful trip and safe return. We spent the day being lazy and hanging out at the pool.

I cannot really say that I am actively trying to potty train Norah (although it would be nice not to have 2 in diapers!). We have a potty in the bathroom where she takes a bath. Each night before bath, I sit her on the potty. She has absolutely no idea what it is all about...I guess just a fancy chair to her!!! Most of the time, she will sit only for a second. Tonight, however, she had two of her lovies with her and decided that they needed a potty break as well. She put both lovies in the potty...I just laughed!

Friday, June 26, 2009

I'll try to keep up...

Since this seems to be the new way to keep up with everyone, I am going to "try" and keep our blog updated...we will see...

I'll give a quick recap...Lee is finishing his last rotation as a 3rd year med student. He saved the best for last...OB/GYN...I guess he wants to be fresh for my next birth...just kidding...his place is by by side!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of babies...I am 18 weeks tomorrow...CRAZY! I am feeling much better and starting to show. I finally think that Norah and I are settling into a routine...this stay at home mom thing is a lot more work that I thought...but worth EVERY second! She has NO idea that her world is about to be turned upside down.

Norah just turned 16 months...I tell her to stop growing but she does not listen. I think that the most amazing thing about her right now is her vocabulary...she is talking up a storm! Some of her favorite words are banana (which sounds like nana), Pooh (like the bear), fish, shoes, snack (yes, my child likes to eat!), bow, mama, and dade. She loves to play outside with her chalk and likes to cook with her new kitchen set. I thank God for blessing me with her. She is His child and I am so thankful that He has allowed me to love her and care for her.

I am a little IT challenged so I'll have to get Lee to post the new pictures...