Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I'll just include a few pictures that I've taken over the past month. I guess we've been in Savannah about 6 weeks...finally seems like home...after A LOT of adjusting! So much has changed so fast (as it does with kids). Norah is going to the "big girl" potty and speaking in sentences. Hazel is eating more solids, sleeping better, sitting up, and even trying to pull up! We are trying to have a lot of fun this summer...taking regular trips to the beach, pool, park, etc...

On another note, Lee is adjusting to 80+ hours of work per week. I cannot say that having him gone so much is fun but we knew it was coming (and it is only for 1 year). Norah has had the most difficult time with him being gone...she is at the age where she knows when he is missing and it really confuses her. I do believe that she is starting to understand. When I ask her "where is daddy"...she says "daddy doctor at hospital"! It is kinda cute!

I'll try to do better with more pictures...