End O'Summer
We have been traveling a little bit the last couple of weekends. We went to see Norah's great-grandparents last weekend in Stilson. This weekend, we went to Gainesville for Helping Hands Legacy Banquet. Sorry I did not get to see my favorite lab-ladies, but we did not show up until Sat. and nobody works on Sat. Pops-metrops (Fred) and Martha and Norahs aunt's Mary and Megan babysat for us while we were away.
Norah is growing like a weed. It is rediculous how much love we have for her and we have only known her for 7 months. I actually did not even like kids before her except my little sisters. Now everytime I see a baby, it makes me miss/love my own even more. She behaves very well. Sleeps through the night (until 6am) and never really cries unless she gets hungry.
I finished family medicine this week and start Pediatrics next week. Its bout to get hectic. We are taking Norah to the Braves game on Sunday with some friends...maybe she will be good luck although at this point it doesnt matter for the Braves.
I posted a few pics of the baby and Brooke, abuela Brenda, Norah and her cousin Emma and w/ her great-grandaddy. Hope that keeps yall up on whats going on with the Mcgill crew.